This moment has been truly bitter sweet since I have been waiting for the day that I would no longer endure the stress of group projects, midterms, presentations, and final reports, but now that it has arrived, I don't want it to end. Shocking, I know since I've been the most vocal about wanting to graduate and rushing to start work but a part of myself can't help but feel upset that it's now all over. I still remember working at PwC only to realize that it was August and completely dreading the thought of going back to school. My sister's convocation was also particularly hard after watching people from my first year graduating without me. One more year just seemed like an eternity and once again, I felt depressed to have to suffer another year as a student. However, today I was was surprised to feel genuinely upset that my way of life for the past 5 years will be ending once I leave campus. Well, because of CASB I won't have to miss all those wonderful assignments and exams, but I won't have the opportunity to see my friends on a daily basis, learn new ideas, or even act immature because I'm no longer a student.
I guess the grass is just always greener on the other side and now I'm just spouting tired clichés about how time has gone by way too fast and that I really should have appreciated my time in school. But like all good advice, it's always wasted on the young and now I'm complaining about how this final year really went by in a blink of an eye.
I'm going to stop whining now since I'm also extremely excited at the moment because I'm able to start a new stage in life. I consider myself very lucky to be employed during such a frighting time for new graduates and the fact that I'm able to work for a company that has treated me so well for the last 2 years, I'm even more thankful. I just feel slightly overwhelmed because school is now over and I'm terrified to be working full-time but these points in life are always a good chance to reflect on what you have done and realize just how far you have come.